Renae Mackley gave me this award! Thanks Renae, for the award and for helping me build my blog spot. With this award I am supposed to reveal seven random facts about myself and, like Renae said on her blog, GULP!
1. When asked my height I say I am 5'2" but I am really 5' 1 3/4".
2. I received my 'name and blessing' when I was 6 years old. My parents were raised in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints but hadn't attended in many years. When they became active in church again and wanted to be sealed in the temple I had to receive the name/blessing so I could be on the records of the church and be allowed in the temple.
3. I moved 9 times before I was 12. Nope - we weren't a military family. My Dad was going to different colleges working on advanced degrees. BYU was his final stop.
4. I served a mission in Harrisburg Pennsylvania. I only had 4 areas and two of them - Hershey and York - were chocolate capitals. I served for a total of 13 months in places where the air smelled like chocolate and I could get factory seconds at a discount rate. Total evidence the Lord knows what's in our hearts.
5. I have been writing stories since I was 12. It started out as a way to understand the world around me then grew with school assignments and the love of reading. I have tried many other hobbies and ways to find fulfillment but I always come back to writing.
6. I was in a major motion picture in the crowd scene. There were hundreds of us 'extras' but I got a good camera shot for about 2.7 seconds. The movie is 'Take Down'. Bet you never heard of it.
7. I worked at a Cold Storage in Alaska the summer I turned 19. It was such a great experience unloading crab boats, prepping fish and crab for the freezer and living in a place so different and with people so different than I had previously known. I count that summer as one of the best times of my life.
Okay, I guess that's it. It's kind of fun to think of random facts from my life. It would be fun to learn everyone's random facts - that what I like about life. All of us have a unique story.
So, here are my nominees for the "Irresistibly Sweet Blogspot"
Stacy Henrie
Ronda Gibb Hinrichsen
Josi Kilpack
Nancy Campbell Allen
Jody Durfey
I do not have all their blog addresses at present but most of them can be accesses from my sidebar. They are all writers. I met Stacy at my first LDStorymaker's Writer's Conference and we were surprised to find how many ways we were connected besides writing [she lived in my in-laws ward; her sister married my brother-in-law's brother, etc] She is awesome and writes both historical and romantic fiction. The other four are in my writing group and have been invaluable to my progress as a writer and are wonderful friends. I met Josi at one of her books signings and she has been inspiring me ever since.
Happy 4th of July!