Renae Mackley gave me this award! Thanks Renae, for the award and for helping me build my blog spot. With this award I am supposed to reveal seven random facts about myself and, like Renae said on her blog, GULP!
1. When asked my height I say I am 5'2" but I am really 5' 1 3/4".
2. I received my 'name and blessing' when I was 6 years old. My parents were raised in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints but hadn't attended in many years. When they became active in church again and wanted to be sealed in the temple I had to receive the name/blessing so I could be on the records of the church and be allowed in the temple.
3. I moved 9 times before I was 12. Nope - we weren't a military family. My Dad was going to different colleges working on advanced degrees. BYU was his final stop.
4. I served a mission in Harrisburg Pennsylvania. I only had 4 areas and two of them - Hershey and York - were chocolate capitals. I served for a total of 13 months in places where the air smelled like chocolate and I could get factory seconds at a discount rate. Total evidence the Lord knows what's in our hearts.
5. I have been writing stories since I was 12. It started out as a way to understand the world around me then grew with school assignments and the love of reading. I have tried many other hobbies and ways to find fulfillment but I always come back to writing.
6. I was in a major motion picture in the crowd scene. There were hundreds of us 'extras' but I got a good camera shot for about 2.7 seconds. The movie is 'Take Down'. Bet you never heard of it.
7. I worked at a Cold Storage in Alaska the summer I turned 19. It was such a great experience unloading crab boats, prepping fish and crab for the freezer and living in a place so different and with people so different than I had previously known. I count that summer as one of the best times of my life.
Okay, I guess that's it. It's kind of fun to think of random facts from my life. It would be fun to learn everyone's random facts - that what I like about life. All of us have a unique story.
So, here are my nominees for the "Irresistibly Sweet Blogspot"
Stacy Henrie
Ronda Gibb Hinrichsen
Josi Kilpack
Nancy Campbell Allen
Jody Durfey
I do not have all their blog addresses at present but most of them can be accesses from my sidebar. They are all writers. I met Stacy at my first LDStorymaker's Writer's Conference and we were surprised to find how many ways we were connected besides writing [she lived in my in-laws ward; her sister married my brother-in-law's brother, etc] She is awesome and writes both historical and romantic fiction. The other four are in my writing group and have been invaluable to my progress as a writer and are wonderful friends. I met Josi at one of her books signings and she has been inspiring me ever since.
Happy 4th of July!
Congrats on the award!
Love the story about the chocolate. But really? After smelling it in the air all the time, you still like it? That's true chocolate love.
Haha wow I've known you since the day I was born and I didn't even know all these random things about you! Apparently We need to hang out more ;)
Thanks for the award, Becki! I'll blog about it next week. I loved your list!
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